• پارسی (Persian)
We desire to do business with customers who care to suggest of the best combine of quality and value.
  • محصولات الکوز
  • محصولات الکوز
  • محصولات الکوز
  • محصولات الکوز
  • محصولات الکوز
  • محصولات الکوز
  • محصولات الکوز

About Elcos

Elcose is a company with overm 40 years experiences infield of production of diesel generators and gas-fueled engine generators.
Elcos is one of the professional packagers in the world in fieldof coopl and diesel generator assembly and gas-fueled engine generator . generators are used in this company are updated and advanced engines and generators such as Cummins USA, british perkins, german MTU and swdish VOLVO. Elcos isa well-known company in north of Italy with production of electricity generators in wide and variety level and meet standard orspecial requirements.
With special designing according to customer request. Elcos company moved in a new location with 24,000 m2 that enabled done . constant growth in annually activities. IT producel 3500 diesel generators and gas-fueled engine generator's just in one year and it presented producing eapacity over than 7000 machines per year.
Elcos company also developed its sale: network in Italy and Europe because of their purpose . the purpose is to be a base point in field of production of diesel generators and gas-fueled engine generators with new products and higher quality level and meeting all needs .Elcos company activated quality system according To UNI EN ISO 9001:2000
Requiring energy of your production line of diesel generator and gas-fueled engine generator is used in industry usages. Elcos company supplies fuel of equipment of effective power of diesel generators and and gas-fueled engine generators pure power for reproducing of making energy and emerhgency items and emergency item and home usages. Elcos with over 40years activities in field of diesel generator and gas-fueled engine generator with perrodic and integrated serviciy is always ready to answer to any customer request and with supporting network suggests distribution of before onel after sales in nation limite and in the world ,these special servicing for answering to request is according to customer request and including choice king purchasing and diesel generator and gas- fueled engine generator size in field of power determining and prodic repairing and right machine per form ance.